Effect of Base on the Solution Behavior of Oxo(D-PENICILLAMINATO)(L-penicillaminato)rhenate(V)
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The effect of base on the solution behavior ofoxo(D-penicillaminato)(L-penicillaminato)rhenate(V)(1) wasinvestigated by 1H NMR, resonance Raman, and UV-visiblespectroscopy. The 1H NMR spectrum of 1consistedof two sets of sharp pen signals in DMSO-d6 andD2O below pH 8 (penicillamine = penH4, thesubscript on Hindicating the number of dissociable protons present). The datawere consistent withReO(D-penH3)(L-penH2)and its enantiomerReO(L-penH3)(D-penH2),with penH3 coordinated by N, S, and carboxyl O. Theseenantiomershave a cis-N2,cis-S2coordination of the pen ligands, both CO2 groupsanti to the oxo ligand and one CO2coordinatedtrans to the oxo ligand (form I). InD2O, between pH 8.6 and 10.1, the signals broadened,collapsed, and re-emerged as one set of signals, but no accompanying changes were observedin either the resonance Raman or theUV-visible spectra. The NMR spectral changes were attributed tobase-catalyzed interconversion between twoenantiomers; both CO2 groups are deprotonated inD2O, and they alternate between ligated and deligatedstates.Near pH 11, a new form (II) in slow exchange with formI was detected by NMR spectroscopy. TheRe=ORaman band of I (963 cm-1) wasreplaced by a new midfrequency band (930cm-1). The UV-visiblebands(346 and 492 nm) decreased in intensity. With increasing pH andnear pH 12, the 1H NMR signals of IIshifted.The midfrequency Re=O band was replaced by a low-frequency band(845 cm-1), and both the UV andvisiblebands continued to decline as new shorter wavelength bands emerged.These spectral changes were consistentwith deprotonation of II to give II'. The1H NMR spectra of 1 andReO(D-penH3)(D-penH2)were nearly identicalat pH 12. At this pH, the latter complex is atrans-dioxo species with a Re=O band at 846cm-1; the similarNMR spectrum and Re=O band of 1 suggest thatII' is a trans-dioxo species also. Thisconclusion was supportedby studies in methanol which showed that[ReO(OCH3)(D-penH2)(L-penH2)]2-did not deprotonate.

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