Chemical and Sensorial Aroma Characterization of Freshly Distilled Calvados. 1. Evaluation of Quality and Defects on the Basis of Key Odorants by Olfactometry and Sensory Analysis
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Eight freshly distilled samples of Calvados, a fermented and distilled apple juice, were analyzed bysensory evaluation and direct injection GC to determine the composition of higher alcohols, esters,and aldehydes. The composition determined by direct injection was tentatively related to sensorydescriptors. Esters have a probable maximum level around 500 g/hl of pure alcohol (PA). This levelalso corresponds to the threshold of the main ester constituent, ethyl acetate. A high ratio of estersto ethyl acetate seems to be of prime importance for good quality. Total aldehydes, with a maximumlevel between 8 and 11 g/hl of PA and mainly comprising acetal (maximum between 5 and 9 g/hl ofPA), were related to a "green" descriptor. Higher alcohols do not have a direct impact on quality, butother volatile compounds with a positive impact on flavor should probably be present at a high level.As overall quality was not well related to sensory quality, it was necessary to perform more a preciseanalysis to determine the key odorants. The Calvados samples were thus extracted using pentane.Gas chromatography, employing both a flame ionization detector and an olfactometry port, was usedto analyze the obtained extracts. Seventy-one odors were detected and distributed according toCalvados quality determined by sensory evaluation. Nineteen odors common to all Calvados samplesconstituted the "skeleton" of the aroma. Twenty-eight odors were specific to a quality class: 6 forgood quality, 4 for neutral, and 18 for defective. Twenty-four other odors had either too low an odorimpact or no evident specificity.Keywords: Calvados aroma; olfactometry; key odorants; sensory analysis; higher alcohols; esters;aldehyde

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