Amino Acid, Carbohydrate, and Fat Composition of Soybean Meals Prepared at 55 Commercial U.S. Soybean Processing Plants
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To quantify variation in U.S. soybean meals (SBM), samples were collected from 55 U.S. soybean(SB) processing plants located in seven of the geographic SB maturity zones at three time points.These samples were analyzed for crude and acid-hydrolyzed fat, oligosaccharide, and amino acidconcentrations. Acid-hydrolyzed fat concentrations were poorly correlated (r = 0.28) to crude fatconcentrations and were higher for SBM prepared in the southern zones (V-VII) as compared withthe northern zones (I and II). Raffinose and verbascose concentrations were lowest (P < 0.05) forSBM prepared in northern maturity zones, while stachyose concentrations were highest for SBMprepared in central maturity zones (III and IV). Total essential, total nonessential, and total aminoacid concentrations were lowest for SBM prepared in northern zones. There was variation inoligosaccharide and amino acid concentrations over time, probably due to variation in compositionof SB arriving at the plants within maturity zone.Keywords: Soybean meal; fat; amino acids; oligosaccharides

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