Synthesis and Characterization of Sr3FeMoO6.88: An Oxygen-Deficient 2D Analogue of the Double Perovskite Sr2FeMoO6
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We have prepared Sr3FeMoO6.88(1), an oxygen-deficient two-dimensional analogue of the doubleperovskite Sr2FeMoO6, and have investigated its structure and physical properties. According to powderX-ray and neutron diffraction data, Sr3FeMoO6.88 adopts the tetragonal n = 2 Ruddlesden-Popper structure(space group I4/mmm) with a completely disordered B-cation distribution and oxygen vacancies occurringpreferentially at the axial O1 sites between the perovskite layers. X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopyand Mössbauer data are consistent with trivalent Fe and mixed (4+/5+) Mo oxidation state. The compoundis semiconducting, showing an intrinsic magnetic transition at ~85 K and an additional upturn in themagnetic susceptibility at ~270 K, the latter is associated with intergrowth defects. An appreciablemagnetoresistance, reaching the value of ~-15% at 5 K and 5 T is also observed

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