Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration for Arsenic(V) Removal: Effect of Main Operating Conditions and Dynamic Modelling
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In this work arsenic removal by micellar enhancedultrafiltration (MEUF) was investigated using cetylpyridiniumchloride (CPC) in ceramic membrane apparatus. Permeabilitytests and discontinuous diafiltration tests were performedin different operating conditions to evaluate the effect ofmembrane pore size (20 and 50 nm), transmembrane pressure,pH, surfactant concentration (1-3 mM), and arsenicconcentration (10-40 mg/L) on permeate flux decline,arsenic, and CPC rejections. These preliminary experimentalresults showed that a ceramic membrane with largepore size allows treament of high fluxes of concentratedarsenic-bearing solutions even by using low surfactantconcentrations. Arsenic concentration in the permeate wasat the 1 ppm level, with feed As concentrations (10 ppm)that are larger than those generally used in MEUF studiesand with CPC amounts that are lower than the usualones. In addition, operating conditions adopted in thesetests obtained CPC concentrations in the permeate alwayslower than its critical micellar concentration (0.9 mM).Dynamic simulations of discontinuous two-step diafiltrationtests allowed a simple and adequate representation ofthe performance of the process especially for 1 mM CPC,while discrepancies for 2.5 mM CPC level denotedcomplex interactions between CPC and As.

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