Geo-Referenced Multimedia Environmental Fate Model (G-CIEMS): Model Formulation and Comparison to the Generic Model and Monitoring Approaches
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A spatially resolved and geo-referenced dynamicmultimedia environmental fate model, G-CIEMS (Grid-Catchment Integrated Environmental Modeling System)was developed on a geographical information system (GIS).The case study for Japan based on the air grid cells of5 × 5 km resolution and catchments with an average areaof 9.3 km2, which corresponds to about 40 000 air gridcells and 38 000 river segments/catchment polygons, wereperformed for dioxins, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and di-(2-ethyhexyl)phthalate. The averaged concentration of the modeland monitoring output were within a factor of 2-3 forall the media. Outputs from G-CIEMS and the generic modelwere essentially comparable when identical parameterswere employed, whereas the G-CIEMS model gave explicitinformation of distribution of chemicals in the environment.Exposure-weighted averaged concentrations (EWAC) inair were calculated to estimate the exposure of the population,based on the results of generic, G-CIEMS, and monitoringapproaches. The G-CIEMS approach showed significantlybetter agreement with the monitoring-derived EWAC thanthe generic model approach. Implication for the use ofa geo-referenced modeling approach in the risk assessmentscheme is discussed as a generic-spatial approach,which can be used to provide more accurate exposureestimation with distribution information, using generallyavailable data sources for a wide range of chemicals.

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