Perfluorochemicals in Pooled Serum Samples from United States Residents in 2001 and 2002
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Manufacturers have used perfluorochemicals (PFCs)since the 1950s in many industrial and consumer products,including protective coatings for fabrics and carpet,paper coatings, insecticide formulations, and surfactants.Some PFCs are persistent ubiquitous contaminants inthe environment and in humans. Exposures to PFCs resultin potential developmental and other adverse effects inanimals. The sources of human exposure to PFCs and thepotential health risks associated with exposure are stillunclear, and differences in patterns of human exposure mayvary. We measured the serum concentrations of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA;C8), perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), and 8 otherPFCs in 54 pooled serum samples collected from 1832participants of the 2001-2002 National Health and NutritionExamination Survey. Participants were 12 years of ageand older. The pools represented three major racial groups/ethnicities (non-Hispanic blacks, non-Hispanic whites,and Mexican Americans), four age categories (12-19 years,20-39 years, 40-59 years, and 60 years and older), andboth genders. PFCs were extracted from 100 L of serumusing on-line solid-phase extraction coupled to isotopedilution-high performance liquid chromatography-tandemmass spectrometry. The limits of detection ranged from 0.05ng/mL to 0.2 ng/mL. The concentrations of most PFCswere similar among the four age groups. For PFOS, theestimated least-squares mean (LSM) concentrations amongnon-Hispanic white males (40.19 ng/mL) and females(23.97 ng/mL) were greater than among non-Hispanic blackmales (18.27 ng/mL) and females (17.93 ng/mL) or MexicanAmerican males (13.71 ng/mL) and females (10.40 ng/mL). Similarly, for PFOA, the LSM concentrations among non-Hispanic white males (6.98 ng/mL) and females (3.97 ng/mL) were greater than among non-Hispanic black males (3.62ng/mL) and females (2.85 ng/mL) or Mexican Americanmales (2.89 ng/mL) and females (2.08 ng/mL). Non-Hispanicwhites had also greater LSM concentrations of PFHxSthan non-Hispanic blacks and Mexican Americans. Thesefindings indicate different patterns of human exposureto PFCs among the population groups examined and stressthe importance of conducting research to identify theenvironmental sources and pathways of human exposureto PFCs.

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