Dinuclear Transition-Metal Terpyridine Complexes with a Dithienylcyclo- pentene Bridge Directed toward Molecular Electronic Applications
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A series of dinuclear metal terpyridine (M-tpy; M = Ru, Os, Fe,and Co) complexes with a photochromic dithienylethene bridgewere designed and synthesized through either a convergent or adivergent approach. The open forms of the complexes containingRuII and FeII centers were found to be inert to ultravioletphotoirradiation but could be cyclized electrochemically as revealedby a cyclic voltammetric study. On the contrary, the CoII complexunderwent efficient photochemical but not electrochemical cyclization. The corresponding OsII complex was neither photochromicnor electrochromic.

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