Mechanism of Formation of Silver N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Using Silver Oxide: A Theoretical Study
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The reasons for the efficiency of the silver oxide route in the synthesis of Ag(I) N-heterocyclic carbenecomplexes have been investigated by means of DFT calculations. A general reaction system thatincorporates two N,N-dimethyl imidazolium cations, two iodides as the counterions, Ag2O, anddichloromethane solvent was considered. Exploration of several pathways for the formation of the twosilver-NHC cations gives a clear picture for the reaction mechanism. The favored route involves abarrierless and very exergonic deprotonation of the first imidazolium followed by a low barrier and alsoexergonic metalation, affording the first silver-NHC. The second imidazolium assists these two stepsstabilizing intermediates and the transition state by the formation of a strong Cimidazolium-H···OAg hydrogenbond. The formed [R2NHC]-AgI then diffuses in the solution, while silver hydroxide deprotonates thesecond imidazolium salt in a slightly endergonic process. After metalation, the second silver-NHC isobtained. The overall reaction is thermodynamically driven, the conversion of two imidazolium salts totwo silver carbenes entailing a system stabilization of more than 70 kcal mol-1. As the acid-base reactionbetween the imidazolium salt and the silver base plays a key role in the process, pKa calculations wereperformed to compare the basicity of the N-heterocyclic carbene with those of the silver bases Ag2O,AgOH, and AgOAc. From the pKa values obtained, the advantage of silver oxide in the generation ofsilver carbenes is attributed to its stronger basicity.

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