Urinary Methoxyphenol Biomarkers and Woodsmoke Exposure: Comparisons in Rural Guatemala with Personal CO and Kitchen CO, Levoglucosan, and PM2.5
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Urinary methoxyphenols have been proposed as biomarkersfor woodsmoke exposure, but few field studies havebeen undertaken. We evaluated these biomarkers forassessing the exposure to woodsmoke of householders inrural Guatemala. The study population was a subset (10female cooks, 2 female non-cooks, and 8 male non-cooksranging in age from 7 to 60) drawn from those participatingin a longterm randomized intervention trial (RESPIRE) in thehighlands. All households rely solely on woodburning forcooking and home heating. Approximately half of the homesin the trial used open woodfires in the home, while theintervention group used cookstoves, called "planchas," thatvent most of the woodsmoke outdoors through a chimney.Corrected for creatinine levels, 16 of the 19 methoxyphenolsmeasured were lower in the urine of cooks using the plancha;and 11 of the 19 compounds were lower in the urine of non-cooks from homes using the plancha. Furthermore, the4 low-molecular-weight syringyl methoxyphenols (syringol,methysyringol, ethylsyringol, propylsyringol) were eachmoderately correlated (r 2 = 0.71, 0.64, 0.68, 0.53 respectively,with all p < 0.05) with personal exposure measurementsdetermined by carbon monoxide (CO) passive diffusion tubes,but not with CO in exhaled breath. 48-Hour kitchen areameasurements of PM2.5 mass, PM2.5 levoglucosan, and COwere highly correlated (>0.89) with each other andmoderately correlated (0.54-0.78) with personal COmeasurements. Although based on relatively few measurements, this study demonstrates that the urinary concentrations of specific methoxyphenols may be effective biomarkersof short-term exposures to inhaled woodsmoke in fieldconditions.

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