Formation of Cyanogen Chloride from the Reaction of Monochloramine with Formaldehyde
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Methanediol dehydrates to give formaldehyde, whichreacts rapidly and reversibly with monochloramine toform N-chloroaminomethanol. Under drinking waterconditions, N-chloroaminomethanol undergoes a relativelyslow decomposition that eventually leads to the formationof cyanogen chloride (ClCN) in apparently stoichiometricamounts. The following reaction sequence is proposed:CH2(OH)2 mages/entities/lrarr2.gif"> CH2O + H2O; CH2O + NH2Cl mages/entities/lrarr2.gif"> CH2(OH)NHCl;CH2(OH)NHCl mages/entities/rarr.gif"> CH2NCl + H2O; CH2NCl mages/entities/rarr.gif"> HCl + HCN;CN- + NH2Cl + H+ mages/entities/rarr.gif"> ClCN + NH3. These reactions werestudied at 25.0 mages/entities/deg.gif">C and an ionic strength of 0.10 M (NaClO4).Stopped-flow photometry was used to monitor rapid,reversible reactions, and photometry was used to studyrelatively slow decomposition reactions. Equilibrium and rateconstants for the addition of formaldehyde to monochloramine were (6.6 ± 1.5) × 105 M-1 and (2.8 ± 0.1) × 104 M-1s-1, respectively. The dehydration of N-chloroaminomethanolwas catalyzed by both H+ and OH-, with respective rateconstants of 277 ± 7 and 26.9 ± 5.6 M-1 s-1. Undercharacteristic drinking water conditions, the decay ofN-chloroaminomethanol is the rate-limiting step. N-Chloromethanimine, formed by the dehydration of N-chloroaminomethanol, had a decomposition rate constant of(6.65 ± 0.06) × 10-4 s-1. At the relatively high methanediolconcentrations used in this study, the intermediaryN-chlorodimethanolamine was formed by the rapid andreversible reaction of N-chloroaminomethanol withformaldehyde. N-Chlorodimethanolamine then decayedrelatively slowly. The following reaction sequence isproposed: CH2(OH)NHCl + CH2O mages/entities/lrarr2.gif"> {CH2(OH)}2NCl;{CH2(OH)}2NCl mages/entities/rarr.gif"> CH2NCl + CH2O + H2O. The equilibriumand rate constants for the addition of formaldehyde toN-chloroaminomethanol were (9.5 ± 2.5) × 104 M-1 and(3.6 ± 0.1) × 103 M-1 s-1, respectively. The decompositionof N-chlorodimethanolamine was catalyzed by OH-, witha rate constant of 19.2 ± 3.7 M-1 s-1. N-Chlorodimethanolamine would not be present under typical drinking watertreatment conditions.

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