Distribution and Contents of Phenolic Compounds in Eighteen Scandinavian Berry Species
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Berries contain a wide range of phenolic compounds in different conjugated forms, a fact that makestheir simultaneous analysis a difficult task. In this work, soluble and insoluble phenolic compoundswere identified and quantified in 18 species of berries by reversed phase high-performance liquidchromatography combined with diode array detection. The analytical results and literature data wereused for the identification of the predominant conjugated hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonol glycosides,and anthocyanins in berries from six families, viz. Grossulariaceae, Ericaceae, Rosaceae, Empetraceae, Elaeagnaceae, and Caprifoliaceae. The study showed distinctive similarities among berryspecies of the same family in the distribution of conjugated forms of phenolic compounds butdifferences in chromatographic profiles of conjugates and compositions of aglycones especially inthe case of anthocyanins. The chromatographic profiles of chokeberry and the related sweetrowanberry (Rosaceae) were exceptionally similar. These data are informative to studies on theauthenticity of berry raw materials as well as to those on the evaluation of berries as sources ofphenolic compounds.Keywords: Berries; phenolic compounds; HPLC; diode array detection

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