Detection of Meningioma in Dura Mater by Raman Spectroscopy
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Radical tumor resection is the treatment of choice forpatients suffering from meningioma. However, recurrenceof these tumors is a problem. Tumor recurrences areattributed to residual nests of meningioma within theregional dura. Therefore, complete removal of all tumor-infiltrated dura is important. Meningioma and normaldura were studied by Raman microspectroscopy to assessthe possibility of developing an in vivo Raman method forguidance of meningioma resections. Pseudocolor Ramanmaps were constructed of cryosections of dura andmeningioma, obtained from 20 patients. Comparison ofthese maps with histopathology enabled assignment of thespectra to either meningioma or dura. Large differencesexist between the Raman spectra of dura and meningioma,because of the high collagen content of dura and theincreased lipid content of tumors. A classification modelfor dura and tumor tissue based on linear discriminantanalysis of Raman spectra yielded an accuracy of 100%.A first attempt was made to determine the minimumamount of meningioma in dura that is detectable byRaman spectroscopy. It is concluded that Raman spectraenable meningioma to be distinguished from dura, whichmakes Raman spectroscopy a viable candidate for guidance of surgical resection of meningioma.

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