Effect of Postharvest Storage on the Expression of the Apple Allergen Mal d 1
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Consumption of fresh apples can cause allergy in susceptible individuals. A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been developed to determine Mal d 1 levels in apple pulpusing a monoclonal antibody (BIP-1). The ELISA was able to rank ten cultivars according to theirMal d 1 content (between 3.8 and 72.5 ages/entities/mgr.gif">g/g pulp). For the first time, it has been demonstrated thatgrowing conditions and postharvest storage, using three different treatments over a 5 month periodin 2 consecutive years, increase Mal d 1 expression at a translational and transcriptional level (3.5-and 8.5-fold under controlled atmosphere storage). Expression of three major Mal d 1 isoforms wasobserved by real-time polymerase chain reaction over the 5 month storage period, and Mal d 1.02was the most highly expressed isoform. In conclusion, Mal d 1 gene expression was significantlyincreased during modified atmosphere storage. Individuals suffering from birch pollen-apple allergysyndrome might experience fewer problems consuming freshly picked apples.

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