Using Passive Air Samplers To Assess Urban-Rural Trends for Persistent Organic Pollutants. 1. Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides
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Passive air samplers were used to investigate urban-rural differences of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) andorganochlorine pesticides (OCPs) over an integrated timeperiod. Samplers consisting of polyurethane foam (PUF)disks and semi-permeable membrane devices (SPMDs) werehoused in protective chambers and deployed at six sitesfor a 4 month duration in the summer of 2000. The samplingtransect originated in downtown Toronto and extended~75 km northward into a rural region. Results for the twotypes of samplers agreed well with one another. Higherblank levels were encountered for the SPMDs, especiallyfor the OCPs, whereas blanks were very low for thePUF disks. Passive sampler-derived air concentrationswere consistent with previous measurements of PCBs andOCPs in the region. The largest urban-rural gradientwas observed for PCBs (~5-10 times). Chlordanes alsoshowed an urban-rural gradient, possibly reflecting pastusage of chlordane on residential lawns and emissionsfrom treated house foundations. Other OCPs exhibited a rural-urban gradient (dieldrin, endosulfan 1, and DDT isomers),which was attributed either to off-gassing from previouslytreated agricultural soils (dieldrin and DDTs) or to continuedusage in agriculture (endosulfan 1). The results of thisstudy demonstrated the feasibility of using such devicesto determine air concentrations of persistent organic pollutants(POPs) and to assess their spatial distribution for time-integrated samples. Data such as this is essential for: modelvalidation and for process research and addressinginternational monitoring strategies on POPs.

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