Color Stability, Reducing Activity, and Cytochrome c Oxidase Activity of Five Bovine Muscles
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The objective was to characterize the beef psoas major (PM), longissimus lumborum (LL), superficialsemimembranosus (SSM), deep semimembranosus (DSM), and semitendinosus (ST) muscles fordifferences in instrumental and visual color, metmyoglobin-reducing activity (MRA), total reducingactivity (TRA), and cytochrome c oxidase activity. The LL and ST had the most color stability andMRA (p < 0.05), the DSM and PM had the least (p < 0.05), and values for the SSM were intermediate.Visual color (r = -0.66) and a* and chroma (r = 0.68) were more correlated with MRA than withTRA (r < 0.14 for all measures). This research supports previous reports that color stability amongmuscles is variable and that MRA is more useful than TRA for explaining the role of reducing activityin muscle-color stability.

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