European Emissions of HFC-365mfc, a Chlorine-Free Substitute for the Foam Blowing Agents HCFC-141b and CFC-11
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HFC-365mfc (1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane) is an industrialchemical used for polyurethane foam blowing. From early2003, HFC-365mfc has been commercially produced as asubstitute for HCFC-141b, whose use in Europe has beenbanned since January 2004. We describe the first detectionof HFC-365mfc in the atmosphere and report on a 2 yearlong record at the high Alpine station of Jungfraujoch(Switzerland) and the Atlantic coast station of Mace Head(Ireland). The measurements at Jungfraujoch are usedto estimate the central European emissions of HFC-365mfc,HCFC-141b, and CFC-11. For HFC-365mfc, we estimatethe central European emissions (Germany, France, Italy,Switzerland, The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg)in 2003 and 2004 as 400-500 tonnes year-1. These emissionsare about one-third lower on a per capita basis thanwhat we estimate from the Mace Head measurements forthe total of Europe. The estimated emissions of HCFC-141b for central Europe are higher (i.e., 7.2-3.5 ktonnesyear-1) with a decreasing trend in the period from 2000 to2004. Residual emissions of CFC-11 are estimated at 2.4-4.7 ktonnes year-1 in the same time period. The Po Valley(northern Italy) appears to be a main source region for HFC-365mfc and for the former blowing agents HCFC-141band CFC-11. In 2004, the emissions of HFC-365mfc arosefrom a wider region of Europe, which we attribute to anincreased penetration of HFC-365mfc into the Europeanmarket.

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