Two Enzymes with a Common Function but Different Heme Ligands in the Forms as Isolated. Optical and Magnetic Properties of the Heme Groups in the Oxidized Forms of Nitrite Reductase, Cytochrome cd<
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It is shown that, in the oxidized state, hemec of Pseudomonas stutzeri (ZoBellstrain)cytochrome cd1 has histidine-methionine ligationas observed for cytochrome cd1 fromPseudomonasaeruginosa [Sutherland, J., Greenwood, C., Peterson, J., andThomson, A. J. (1986) Biochem. J.233,893-898]. However, the X-ray structure of Thiosphaerapantotropha cytochrome cd1 revealsbis-histidineligation for heme c. It is confirmed by EPR andnear-infrared (NIR) MCD measurements that the bis-histidine coordination remains unaltered in the solution phase.Hence, the difference between the hemec ligation states defines two distinct classes of oxidizedcytochromes cd1 as isolated. A weak featureinthe T. pantotropha NIR MCD at 1900 nm suggeststhat a small population of heme c has histidine-methionine coordination. The ligation state of hemed1 cannot be defined with the same level ofconfidence,because the porphyrin-to-Fe(III) charge-transfer (CT) bands areless well characterized for this class ofpartially reduced porphyrin ring. However, variable temperatureabsorption and MCD spectra show that,in the T. pantotropha enzyme, hemed1 exists in a thermal low-spin/high-spinmixture with the low-spinas the ground state, whereas in P. stutzericytochrome cd1, and d1heme is low-spin at all temperatures.A weak band, assigned as the heme d1porphyrin-ges/gifchars/pi.gif" BORDER=0 >(a1u,a2u)-to-ferric(d)charge-transfer transition has beenidentified for the first time at 2170 nm. Its magnetic propertiesshow the heme d1 to have an unusual(dxz,yz)4(dxy)1electronic ground state as is found for low-spin Fe(III) chlorins[Cheesman, M. R., and Walker,F. A. (1996) J. Am. Chem.Soc. 118, 7373-7380]. It is proposed thatthe localization of the Fe(III)unpaired d-electron in an orbital lying in the heme plane may decreasethe affinity of the Fe(III) heme forunsaturated ligands such as NO. Although hemed1 in the enzymes from P.stutzeri and T.pantotrophashows different temperature-dependent spin properties, the positions ofthe low-spin Fe(III) ges/gifchars/alpha.gif" BORDER=0>-absorptionband, at ~640 nm, are very similar to those observed for cytochromescd1 from eight other sources,suggesting that all have similar strength fields from the axial ligandsand, hence, that all have the samecoordination, namely histidine-tyrosine or possibly histidine-hydroxideat the heme.

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