Consanguineous Families of Coordinated Carbon: A ReC4Re Assembly That Is Isolable in Three Oxidation States, Including Crystallographically Characterized ReC 详细信息    查看全文
Reaction of(5-C5Me5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(CCH)and Cu(OAc)2 (1.5 equiv, 80 C, pyridine) gives theorange-brown ReC4Re complex(5-C5Me5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(CCCC)(Ph3P)(ON)Re(5-C5Me5)(2, 88%) as a 50:50diastereomer mixture. Crystallization affords(SS,RR)-2·2CH2Cl2and solutions enriched in (SR,RS)-2(meso). Additionof Ag+PF6- (2 equiv)yields deep blue (SS,RR)- and(SR,RS)-22+2PF6-(86%), which give two geometric isomers(62:38, 89:11; CD2Cl2, -93 C) aboutthe +Re=C=C=C=C=Re+linkages. Crystal structures of(SS,RR)-2·2CH2Cl2 and(SS,RR)-22+2PF6-show ReC4Re units with bond angles (169-178˚) andlengths (CC, 1.202(7); C-C1.398(5); C=C 1.260-1.305(10) Å) near those of butadiyneor cumulenes. Natural bond order analysis andtopologicalelectron density calculations confirm the valence formulations.Reactions of (SS,RR)-2 with(SS,RR)-22+2PF6-orAg+PF6- (1 equiv) give agreen radical cation(SS,RR)-2+PF6-( = 1.74 B; Faraday method). Edata yield a Kcvalue of 1.1 × 109 (CH2Cl2,22.5 C) for the comproportionation. ESR spectra show undecetswith Aiso,Re values(98 G) half those of related monorhenium radical cations, indicatingspin delocalization over two rheniums (I =5/2). Accordingly, IR spectra give only one NOband, positioned between those of 2 and22+2PF6-(CH2Cl2, 1665vs 1623/1719 cm-1). Near IR spectra showunique solvent-independent bands (883, 1000, 1200 nm; 15000,9400,3200 M-1 cm-1).Sodium naphthalenide reduces (SS,RR)- or(SR,RS)-2+PF6-to (SS,RR)- or (SR,RS)-2, establishingconfigurational stability. These and related data are analyzed indetail.

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