Catechol and Hydroquinone Have Different Redox Properties Responsible for Their Differential DNA-damaging Ability
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We examined the redox properties of the "carcinogenic" catechol and the "noncarcinogenic"hydroquinone in relation to different DNA damaging activities and carcinogenicity using 32P-labeled DNA fragments obtained from the human genes. In the presence of endogenous NADHand Cu2+, catechol induces stronger DNA damage than hydroquinone, although the magnitudesof their DNA damaging activities were reversed in the absence of NADH. In both cases, DNAdamage resulted from base modification at guanine and thymine residues in addition to strandbreakage induced by Cu+ and H2O2, generated during the oxidation of catechol and hydroquinone into 1,2-benzoquinone and 1,4-benzoquinone, respectively. EPR and 1H NMR studiesindicated that 1,2-benzoquinone is converted directly into catechol through a nonenzymatictwo-electron reduction by NADH whereas 1,4-benzoquinone is reduced into hydroquinonethrough a semiquinone radical intermediate through two cycles of one-electron reduction. Thereduction of 1,2-benzoquinone by NADH proceeds more rapidly than that of 1,4-benzoquinone.This study demonstrates that the rapid 1,2-benzoquinone two-electron reduction acceleratesthe redox reaction turnover between catechol and 1,2-benzoquinone, resulting in the enhancement of DNA damage. These results suggest that the differences in NADH-mediated redoxproperties of catechol and hydroquinone contribute to their different carcinogenicities.

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