Laser Photolysis of Carboxymethylated Chitin Derivatives in Aqueous Solution. Part 1. Formation of Hydrated Electron and a Long-Lived Radical
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Laser photolysis experiments on carboxymethylated chitin derivatives, such as carboxymethyl chitin(CM-chitin) and carboxymethyl chitosan (CM-chitosan), in aqueous solution by a 248 nm excimer laserwere carried out for the first time. The transient absorption spectra of photolyzed CM-chitin or CM-chitosansolutions revealed a strong band with the maximum at 720 nm, which was assigned to the hydrated electron(eaq- ). In the presence of argon, the eaq- decays by reacting with CM-chitin or CM-chitosan, and the rateconstants are (6.1 ± 0.1) × 107 M-1 s-1 and (3.7 ± 0.1) × 107 M-1 s-1, respectively. Long-lived radicalswith relatively weak absorption intensity were detected in the near-UV region. The absorption band wasnot notably characteristic and showed only an increasing absorption toward shorter wavelengths. It is similarto the signal of CM-chitin or CM-chitosan macroradicals formed by the reaction of CM-chitin orCM-chitosan with an OH radical. It was assigned to CM-chitin- or CM-chitosan- macroradicals formedby eaq- + CM-chitin or CM-chitosan reaction. CM-chitin aqueous solutions were further examined by pulseradiolysis in order to confirm the site of the long-lived radical.

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