Origin of Lead in Eight Central European Peat Bogs Determined from Isotope Ratios, Strengths, and Operation Times of Regional Pollution Sources
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Lead originating from coal burning, gasoline burning, andore smelting was identified in 210Pb-dated profiles througheight peat bogs distributed over an area of 60 000 km2.The Sphagnum-dominated bogs were located mainly inmountainous regions of the Czech Republic bordering withGermany, Austria, and Poland. Basal peat 14C-dated at11 000 years BP had a relatively high 206Pb/207Pb ratio (1.193).Peat deposited around 1800 AD had a lower 206Pb/207Pbratio of 1.168-1.178, indicating that environmental lead inCentral Europe had been largely affected by humanactivity (smelting) even before the beginning of the IndustrialRevolution. Five of the sites exhibited a nearly constant206Pb/207Pb ratio (1.175) throughout the 19th century, resemblingthe "anthropogenic baseline" described in NorthernEurope (1.17). At all sites, the206Pb/207Pb ratio of peatdecreased at least until 1980; at four sites, a reversal tomore radiogenic values (higher 206Pb/207Pb), typical of easingpollution, was observed in the following decade(1980-1990). A time series of annual outputs for 14different mining districts dispersing lead into the environmenthas been constructed for the past 200 years. The productionof Ag-Pb, coal, and leaded gasoline peaked in 1900,1980, and 1980, respectively. In contrast to other Europeancountries, no peak in annual Pb accumulation rates wasfound in 1900, the year of maximum ore smelting. The highestannual Pb accumulation rates in peat were consistentwith the highest Pb emission rates from coal-fired powerplants and traffic (1980). Although maximum coal andgasoline production coincided in time, their isotope ratioswere unique. The mean measured 206Pb/207Pb ratios oflocal coal, ores, and gasoline were 1.19, 1.16, and 1.11,respectively. A considerable proportion of coal emissions,relative to gasoline emisions, was responsible for thehigher 206Pb/207Pb ratios in the recent atmosphere (1.15)compared to Western Europe (1.10). As in West Europeancountries, the gasoline sold in the Czech Republicduring the Communist era (1948-1989) contained anadmixture of low-radiogenic Precambrian lead from Australia.

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