Determinants of Mg2+-Dependent Activities of Recombinant Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Integrase
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The relationship between Mg2+-dependent activity and the self-assembly state of HIV-1 integrasewas investigated using different protein preparations. The first preparations, INCHAPS and INdial, were purifiedin the presence of detergent, but in the case of INdial, the detergent was removed during a final dialysis.The third preparation, INzn, was purified without any detergent. The three preparations displayed comparableMn2+-dependent activities. In contrast, the Mg2+-dependent activity that reflects a more realistic view ofthe physiological activity strongly depended on the preparation. INCHAPS was not capable of using Mg2+as a cofactor, whereas INzn was highly active under the same conditions. In the accompanying paper[Deprez, E., et al. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 9275-9284], we used time-resolved fluorescence anisotropyto demonstrate that INCHAPS was monomeric at the concentration of enzymatic assays. Here, we showthat INzn was homogeneously tetrameric under similar conditions. Moreover, INdial that exhibited anintermediary Mg2+-dependent activity existed in a monomer-multimer equilibrium. The level of Mg2+-but not Mn2+-dependent activity of INdial was altered by addition of detergent which plays a detrimentalrole in the maintenance of the oligomeric organization. Our results indicate that the ability of integrase touse Mg2+ as a cofactor is related to its self-assembly state in solution, whereas Mn2+-dependent activityis not. Finally, the oligomeric INzn was capable of binding efficiently to DNA regardless of the cationiccofactor, whereas the monomeric INCHAPS strictly required Mn2+. Thus, we propose that a specificconformation of integrase is a prerequisite for its binding to DNA in the presence of Mg2+.

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