Combined effects in some initial value problems involving Riemann–Liouville fractional derivatives in bounded domains
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We consider the following semilinear fractional initial value problem$$D^{\alpha }u(x)=a_{1}(x)u^{\sigma _{1}}(x)+a_{2}(x)u^{\sigma _{2}},\quad x\in (0,1) \quad and \quad \lim_{x\longrightarrow0^{+}}x^{1-\alpha }u(x)=0,$$where \({0 < \alpha < 1}\), \({\sigma _{1},\sigma _{2}\in (-1,1)}\) and \({a_{1},a_{2}}\) are positive measurable functions on \({(0,1]}\) satisfying appropriate assumptions related to Karamata regular variation theory. We establish the existence and the uniqueness of a positive solution in the space of weighted continuous functions. We also give the boundary behavior of such solution, where appear the combined effects of singular and sublinear terms in the nonlinearity.KeywordsFractional differential equationKaramata classpositive solutionasymptotic behaviorschauder fixed point TheoremMathematics Subject Classification26A3331B2534A1234B18References1.Bliedtner J., Hansen W.: Potential Theory. An Analytic and Probabilistic Approach to Balayage. 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