Testing for change in the mean via convergence in distribution of sup-functionals of weighted tied-down partial sums processes
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Let X1,..., Xn, n > 1, be nondegenerate independent chronologically ordered realvalued observables with finite means. Consider the “no-change in the mean” null hypothesis H0: X1,..., Xn is a randomsample on X with Var X <∞. We revisit the problem of nonparametric testing for H0 versus the “at most one change (AMOC) in the mean” alternative hypothesis HA: there is an integer k*, 1 ≤ k* < n, such that EX1 = · · · = EXk* ≠ EXk*+1 = ··· = EXn. A natural way of testing for H0 versus HA is via comparing the sample mean of the first k observables to the sample mean of the last n - k observables, for all possible times k of AMOC in the mean, 1 ≤ k < n. In particular, a number of such tests in the literature are based on test statistics that are maximums in k of the appropriately individually normalized absolute deviations Δk = |Sk/k - (Sn - Sk)/(n - k)|, where Sk:= X1 + ··· + Xk. Asymptotic distributions of these test statistics under H0 as n → ∞ are obtained via establishing convergence in distribution of supfunctionals of respectively weighted |Zn(t)|, where {Zn(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1}n≥1 are the tied-down partial sums processes such that $${Z_n}\left( t \right): = \left( {{S_{\left\lceil {\left( {n + 1} \right)t} \right\rceil }} - \left[ {\left( {n + 1} \right)t} \right]{S_n}/n} \right)/\sqrt n $$ if 0 ≤ t < 1, and Zn(t):= 0 if t = 1. In the present paper, we propose an alternative route to nonparametric testing for H0 versus HA via sup-functionals of appropriately weighted |Zn(t)|. Simply considering max1ɤk<n Δk as a prototype test statistic leads us to establishing convergence in distribution of special sup-functionals of |Zn(t)|/(t(1 - t)) under H0 and assuming also that E|X|r < ∞ for some r > 2. We believe the weight function t(1 - t) for sup-functionals of |Zn(t)| has not been considered before.Keywordsnonparametric test for change in the mean“no-change in the mean” null hypothesis“at most one change in the mean” alternative hypothesissup-functional of weighted tied-down partial sums processesstandard Wiener processBrownian bridge2000 Mathematics Subject Classificationprimary 60F1762G10secondary 60G15References1.D. Chibisov, “Some Theorems on the Limiting Behavior of Empirical Distribution Functions”, Selected Transl. Math. Statist. Probab. 6, 147–156 (1964).Google Scholar2.M. Csörgő, “A Glimpse of the Impact of Pál Erdős on Probability and Statistics”, Canad. J. Statist. 30, 493–556 (2002).MathSciNetCrossRefMATHGoogle Scholar3.M. Csörgő, S. Csörgő, L. Horváth, and D. M. Mason, “Weighted empirical and quantile processes”, Ann. Probab. 14, 31–85 (1986).MathSciNetCrossRefMATHGoogle Scholar4.M. Csörgőand L. 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