Nonlinear and Threshold Aspects of Neighborhood Effects
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  • 作者:George Galster (1)

    1. Department of Urban Studies and Planning
    ; Wayne State University ; 656 West Kirby Street ; Detroit ; MI 48202 ; USA
  • 关键词:Thresholds ; Nonlinear relationships ; Neighborhoods ; Social mixing ; Schwellenwerte ; Nichtlinare Beziehungen ; Nachbarschaften ; Soziale Mischung
  • 刊名:KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift f篓鹿r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:September 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:66
  • 期:1-supp
  • 页码:117-133
  • 全文大小:559 KB
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  • 刊物主题:Social Sciences, general; Sociology, general; Personality and Social Psychology; Methodology of the Social Sciences; Philosophy of the Social Sciences;
  • 出版者:Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
  • ISSN:1861-891X
An important frontier in context effects research is investigating nonlinear and threshold effects. There is ample theoretical foundation for suggesting that several endogenous social processes generate nonlinear relationships between measures of neighborhood social composition and a variety of outcomes for individual residents. There is also a growing international body of statistical literature testifying to the existence of nonlinear and threshold effects, though the findings are often inconsistent, especially in the European-based scholarship. Further empirical research on this topic is crucial because identifying the precise nature of nonlinear and threshold effects provides both a necessary social efficiency justification and practical programmatic guidance for policies designed to encourage more social diversity within neighborhoods.

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