Modification of a loop sequence between α-helices 6 and 7 of virus capsid (CA) protein in a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) derivative that has simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVmac239) vif and CA α-helices 4 an
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  • 作者:Ayumu Kuroishi (1)
    Akatsuki Saito (2)
    Yasuhiro Shingai (1)
    Tatsuo Shioda (1)
    Masako Nomaguchi (3)
    Akio Adachi (3)
    Hirofumi Akari (2)
    Emi E Nakayama (1)
  • 刊名:Retrovirology
  • 出版年:2009
  • 出版时间:December 2009
  • 年:2009
  • 卷:6
  • 期:1
  • 全文大小:930KB
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  • 作者单位:Ayumu Kuroishi (1)
    Akatsuki Saito (2)
    Yasuhiro Shingai (1)
    Tatsuo Shioda (1)
    Masako Nomaguchi (3)
    Akio Adachi (3)
    Hirofumi Akari (2)
    Emi E Nakayama (1)

    1. Department of Viral Infections, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University, 565-0871, Osaka, Japan
    2. Tsukuba Primate Research Center, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, 305-0843, Ibaraki, Japan
    3. Department of Virology, Institute of Health Biosciences, University of Tokushima Graduate School, 770-8503, Tokushima, Japan
  • ISSN:1742-4690
Background Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) productively infects only humans and chimpanzees but not cynomolgus or rhesus monkeys while simian immunodeficiency virus isolated from macaque (SIVmac) readily establishes infection in those monkeys. Several HIV-1 and SIVmac chimeric viruses have been constructed in order to develop an animal model for HIV-1 infection. Construction of an HIV-1 derivative which contains sequences of a SIVmac239 loop between α-helices 4 and 5 (L4/5) of capsid protein (CA) and the entire SIVmac239 vif gene was previously reported. Although this chimeric virus could grow in cynomolgus monkey cells, it did so much more slowly than did SIVmac. It was also reported that intrinsic TRIM5α restricts the post-entry step of HIV-1 replication in rhesus and cynomolgus monkey cells, and we previously demonstrated that a single amino acid in a loop between α-helices 6 and 7 (L6/7) of HIV type 2 (HIV-2) CA determines the susceptibility of HIV-2 to cynomolgus monkey TRIM5α. Results In the study presented here, we replaced L6/7 of HIV-1 CA in addition to L4/5 and vif with the corresponding segments of SIVmac. The resultant HIV-1 derivatives showed enhanced replication capability in established T cell lines as well as in CD8+ cell-depleted primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells from cynomolgus monkey. Compared with the wild type HIV-1 particles, the viral particles produced from a chimeric HIV-1 genome with those two SIVmac loops were less able to saturate the intrinsic restriction in rhesus monkey cells. Conclusion We have succeeded in making the replication of simian-tropic HIV-1 in cynomolgus monkey cells more efficient by introducing into HIV-1 the L6/7 CA loop from SIVmac. It would be of interest to determine whether HIV-1 derivatives with SIVmac CA L4/5 and L6/7 can establish infection of cynomolgus monkeys in vivo.

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