Maximum Weight Independent Sets in Odd-Hole-Free Graphs Without Dart or Without Bull
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  • 作者:Andreas Brandst?dt ; Raffaele Mosca
  • 关键词:Maximum weight independent set ; Clique separators ; Modular decomposition ; Polynomial time algorithm ; Hole ; free graphs
  • 刊名:Graphs and Combinatorics
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:September 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:31
  • 期:5
  • 页码:1249-1262
  • 全文大小:471 KB
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  • 作者单位:Andreas Brandst?dt (1)
    Raffaele Mosca (2)

    1. Institut für Informatik, Universit?t Rostock, 18051, Rostock, Germany
    2. Dipartimento di Economia, Universitá degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio- 65121, Pescara, Italy
  • 刊物类别:Mathematics and Statistics
  • 刊物主题:Mathematics
    Engineering Design
  • 出版者:Springer Japan
  • ISSN:1435-5914
The maximum weight independent set (MWIS) problem on graphs with vertex weights asks for a set of pairwise nonadjacent vertices of maximum total weight. Being one of the most investigated and most important problems on graphs, it is well known to be NP-complete and hard to approximate. The complexity of MWIS is open for hole-free graphs (i.e., graphs without induced subgraphs isomorphic to a chordless cycle of length at least five). By applying clique separator decomposition as well as modular decomposition, we obtain polynomial time solutions of MWIS for odd-hole- and dart-free graphs as well as for odd-hole- and bull-free graphs (dart and bull have five vertices, say \(a,b,c,d,e\), and dart has edges \(ab,ac,ad,bd,cd,de\), while bull has edges \(ab,bc,cd,be,ce\)). If the graphs are hole-free instead of odd-hole-free then stronger structural results and better time bounds are obtained. Keywords Maximum weight independent set Clique separators Modular decomposition Polynomial time algorithm Hole-free graphs

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