Selbstregulation, Regulationsfokus und Arbeitsmotivation
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  • 作者:Marianne Holler (1)
    Bernhard Fellner (1)
    Erich Kirchler (1)
  • 关键词:Selbstregulation ; Regulationsfokus ; Arbeitsmotivation ; Arbeitszufriedenheit ; Self ; regulation ; regulatory focus ; work motivation ; work satisfaction
  • 刊名:Journal f篓鹿r Betriebswirtschaft
  • 出版年:2005
  • 出版时间:June 2005
  • 年:2005
  • 卷:55
  • 期:2
  • 页码:145-168
  • 全文大小:1098KB
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  • 作者单位:Marianne Holler (1)
    Bernhard Fellner (1)
    Erich Kirchler (1)

    1. Fakult?t für Psychologie, Universit?t Wien, Universit?tsstrasse 7, 1010, Wien, Austria
Self-regulation has important effects on work motivation and achievement. This paper focuses on self-regulation, the regulatory focus on promotion or prevention, and the fit between regulatory focus and tasks. The fit between the self-regulation of a person and an actual task can have a positive effect on motivation and work satisfaction. In addition, the efficiency of feedback concerning work and achievement as well as the success of programs which promote a healthy lifestyle depend on the recipient’s regulatory focus. Taking the collaborators-regulatory focus and fit with tasks and with feedback on performance into account can have a positive impact on both motivation and productivity.

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