Late Triassic, Early and Middle Jurassic Radiolaria from ferromanganese-chert ‘nodules-(Angelokastron, Argolis, Greece): evidence for prolonged radiolarite sedimentation in the Maliac-Vardar Ocean
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  • 作者:Marco Chiari (1)
    Peter O. Baumgartner (2)
    Daniel Bernoulli (3)
    Valerio Bortolotti (4)
    Marta Marcucci (4)
    Adonis Photiades (5)
    Gianfranco Principi (4)
  • 关键词:Radiolaria ; Ferromanganese mineralization ; Maliac ; Vardar Ocean ; Triassic ; Jurassic ; Greece
  • 刊名:Facies
  • 出版年:2013
  • 出版时间:April 2013
  • 年:2013
  • 卷:59
  • 期:2
  • 页码:391-424
  • 全文大小:4,204 KB
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  • 作者单位:Marco Chiari (1)
    Peter O. Baumgartner (2)
    Daniel Bernoulli (3)
    Valerio Bortolotti (4)
    Marta Marcucci (4)
    Adonis Photiades (5)
    Gianfranco Principi (4)

    1. C.N.R.- Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, via G. La Pira 4, 50121, Florence, Italy
    2. Institut de Géologie et Paléontologie, Université de Lausanne, 1015, Lausanne, Switzerland
    3. Geologisches Institut, Universit?t Basel, Bernoullistrasse 32, 4056, Basel, Switzerland
    4. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, via G. La Pira 4, 50121, Florence, Italy
    5. Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME), 13677, Acharnae, Greece
  • ISSN:1612-4820
In the Argolis, the Basal Sequence, constituting the eastern Pelagonian margin which bordered the Maliac-Vardar oceanic domain, includes shallow-water carbonates of Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, condensed pelagic limestones of Early-Middle Jurassic, radiolarian cherts of late Middle-Late Jurassic age and siliceous mudstones and sandstones rich in ophiolite fragments. Up-section, coarse breccias, including clasts of boninites derived from the ophiolite obducted onto the Pelagonian margin in Late Jurassic times crop out. Near Angelokastron a small quarry exposes pervasively sheared dark reddish-brown, radiolarian-bearing cherty shales with disrupted fragments of chert and chert nodules impregnated by ferro-manganese oxides. These shales occur in the footwall of a thrust bringing them into contact with the Pantokrator Limestone of the Basal Sequence. We collected more than 30 samples of the chert fragments and the shaly matrix. Thirteen nodules and one matrix sample yielded determinable radiolarians. Low to non-detectable concentrations of trace metals such as Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, and Pb indicate a hydrothermal origin of the ferro-manganese mineralization. The radiolarian taxa found indicate four age groups for the nodules that are embedded in the siliceous shale matrix that yielded a Middle Jurassic age (middle Bathonian). The first group includes a nodule of Late Triassic age (late Norian to Rhaetian); the second group nodules of Early Jurassic age (late early to late Pliensbachian and probably middle-late Toarcian); the third group nodules of early Middle Jurassic age (Aalenian–Bajocian); the last group finally includes nodules of late Middle Jurassic age (Bajocian–Bathonian). The presence of Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic Mn-impregnated chert nodules in a Middle Jurassic matrix indicates a deep oceanic environment of deposition outside the Pelagonian realm (easternmost Adria Plate), which at that time was a shallow-water carbonate platform with a thin pelagic limestone cover. The chert nodules are with all certainty derived from the oceanic Maliac-Vardar domain and were, together with their host formation, tectonically emplaced onto the Pelagonian margin. We speculate that these nodules, more lithified than their matrix, were exhumed on the slope of an intra-oceanic accretionary wedge and were redeposited in the Middle Jurassic siliceous mudstones on the floor of the subducting Maliac-Vardar Ocean.

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