Monitoring of the plume from the basaltic phreatomagmatic 2004 Gr铆msv枚tn eruption鈥攁pplication of weather radar and comparison with plume models
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  • 作者:Bj枚rn Oddsson (1)
    Magn煤s T. Gudmundsson (1)
    Gu冒r煤n Larsen (1)
    Sigr煤n Karlsd贸ttir (2)
  • 关键词:Explosive eruptions – ; Magma discharge – ; Plume models – ; Iceland
  • 刊名:Bulletin of Volcanology
  • 出版年:2012
  • 出版时间:August 2012
  • 年:2012
  • 卷:74
  • 期:6
  • 页码:1395-1407
  • 全文大小:1.1 MB
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  • 作者单位:1. Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, Sturlugata 7, IS-101 Reykjav铆k, Iceland2. Icelandic Meteorological Office, B煤sta冒avegur 9, 150 Reykjav铆k, Iceland
  • ISSN:1432-0819
The Gr铆msv枚tn eruption in November 2004 belongs to a class of small- to medium-sized phreatomagmatic eruptions which are common in Iceland. The eruption lasted 6 days, but the main phase, producing most of the 0.02 km3 of magma erupted, was visible for 33 h on the C-band weather radar of the Icelandic Meteorological Office located in Keflav铆k, 260 km to the west of the volcano. The plume rose to 8–12 km high over sea level during 33 h. The long distance between radar and source severely reduces the accuracy of the plume height determinations, causing 3.5-km steps in recorded heights. Moreover, an apparent height overestimate of ~1.5 km in the uncorrected radar records occurs, possibly caused by wave ducting or super-refraction in the atmosphere. The stepping and the height overestimate can be partly overcome by averaging the plume heights and by applying a height adjustment based on direct aircraft measurements. Adjusted weather radar data on plume height are used to estimate the total mass erupted using empirical plume models mostly based on magmatic eruptions and to compare it with detailed in situ measurements of the mass of erupted tephra. The errors arising because of the large radar plume distance limit the applicability of the data for detailed comparisons. However, the results indicate that the models overestimate the mass erupted by a factor of three to four. This supports theoretical models indicating that high steam content of phreatomagmatic (wet) plumes enhances their height compared to dry plumes.

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