Concomitant aberrant methylation of p15 and MGMT genes in acute myeloid leukemia: association with a particular immunophenotype of blast cells
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  • 作者:Nada Kraguljac Kurtovi? (2)
    Milena Krajnovi? (1)
    Andrija Bogdanovi? (2) (3)
    Nada Suvajd?i? (2) (3)
    Jelica Jovanovi? (2)
    Bogomir Dimitrijevi? (1)
    Milica ?olovi? (2) (3)
    Koviljka Krtolica (1)
  • 关键词:Acute myeloid leukemia ; Methylation profile ; p15 INK4B ; MGMT ; Immunophenotype
  • 刊名:Medical Oncology
  • 出版年:2012
  • 出版时间:December 2012
  • 年:2012
  • 卷:29
  • 期:5
  • 页码:3547-3556
  • 全文大小:346KB
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  • 作者单位:Nada Kraguljac Kurtovi? (2)
    Milena Krajnovi? (1)
    Andrija Bogdanovi? (2) (3)
    Nada Suvajd?i? (2) (3)
    Jelica Jovanovi? (2)
    Bogomir Dimitrijevi? (1)
    Milica ?olovi? (2) (3)
    Koviljka Krtolica (1)

    2. Clinic of Hematology, Clinical Center of Serbia, 11000, Belgrade, Serbia
    1. Institute for Nuclear Sciences “Vin?a- University of Belgrade, 11000, Belgrade, Serbia
    3. School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, 11000, Belgrade, Serbia
In this study, methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MS-PCR) was used to define the methylation status of the target promoter sequences of p15 and MGMT genes in the group of 21 adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The incidence of aberrant hypermethylation of p15 gene (71?%) was higher comparing to MGMT gene (33?%), whereas concomitant methylation of both genes had 24?% of the patients. Although the incidence of cytogenetic abnormalities between the groups with a different methylation status of p15 and/or MGMT genes was not significantly different, we observed general trend of clustering of abnormalities with adverse prognosis into groups with concomitant hypermethylation of both genes and only p15 gene. Also, we showed that AML patients with concomitant methylation of p15/MGMT genes had a higher proportion of leukemic blast cells characterized with specific expression of individual leukocyte surface antigens (CD117+/CD7+/CD34+/CD15?/sup>), indicating leukemic cells as early myeloid progenitors. Although we could not prove that hypermethylation of p15 and/or MGMT genes is predictive parameter for response to therapy and overall survival, we noticed that AML patients with comethylated p15/MGMT genes or methylated p15 gene exhibited a higher frequency of early death, lower frequency of complete remissions as well as a trend for shorter overall survival. Assessing of the methylation status of p15 and MGMT genes may allow stratification of patients with AML into distinct groups with potentially different prognosis.

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