The Boliden gold-rich volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, Skellefte district, Sweden: new U–Pb age constraints and implications at deposit and district scale
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  • 作者:Patrick Mercier-Langevin (1)
    Vicky McNicoll (2)
    Rodney L. Allen (3) (4)
    James H. S. Blight (5)
    Beno?t Dubé (1)
  • 关键词:Boliden ; Gold ; rich VMS ; Skellefte ; Geochronology ; Paleoproterozoic
  • 刊名:Mineralium Deposita
  • 出版年:2013
  • 出版时间:April 2013
  • 年:2013
  • 卷:48
  • 期:4
  • 页码:485-504
  • 全文大小:2336KB
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  • 作者单位:Patrick Mercier-Langevin (1)
    Vicky McNicoll (2)
    Rodney L. Allen (3) (4)
    James H. S. Blight (5)
    Beno?t Dubé (1)

    1. Geological Survey of Canada, 490 rue de la Couronne, Québec, QC, G1K 9A9, Canada
    2. Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0E8, Canada
    3. Boliden Mineral, Exploration Department, 776 98, Garpenberg, Sweden
    4. Lulea University of Technology, 871 87, Lulea, Sweden
    5. Boliden Mineral, Exploration Department, 936 81, Boliden, Sweden
  • ISSN:1432-1866
The Boliden deposit (8.3?Mt at 15.9?g/t Au) is interpreted to have been formed between ca. 1894 and 1891?Ma, based on two new U–Pb ID-TIMS ages: a maximum age of 1893.9--.0/?.9?Ma obtained from an altered quartz and feldspar porphyritic rhyolite in the deposit footwall in the volcanic Skellefte group and a minimum age of 1890.8?±-?Ma obtained from a felsic mass-flow deposit in the lowermost part of the volcano-sedimentary Vargfors group, which forms the stratigraphic hanging wall to the deposit. These ages are in agreement with the alteration and mineralization being formed at or near the sea floor in the volcanogenic massive sulfide environment. These two ages and the geologic relationships imply that: (1) volcanism and hydrothermal activity in the Skellefte group were initiated earlier than 1.89?Ga which was previously considered to be the onset of volcanism in the Skellefte group; (2) the volcano-sedimentary succession of the Vargfors group is perhaps as old as 1892?Ma in the eastern part of the Skellefte district; and (3) an early (synvolcanic) deformation event in the Skellefte group is evidenced by the unconformity between the ?893.9--.0/?.9?Ma Skellefte group upper volcanic rocks and the ?890.8?±-?Ma Vargfors sedimentary and volcanic rocks in the Boliden domain. Differential block tilting, uplift, and subsidence controlled by synvolcanic faults in an extensional environment is likely, perhaps explaining some hybrid VMS-epithermal characteristics shown by the VMS deposits of the district.

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