Role of ligands in controlling the regioselectivity in ruthenium-catalysed addition of carboxylic acids to terminal alkynes: A DFT study
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  • 关键词:Enol esters ; DFT ; regio ; selectivity ; ligands ; ruthenium(II) catalyst.
  • 刊名:Journal of Chemical Sciences
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:February 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:127
  • 期:2
  • 页码:281-293
  • 全文大小:1,458 KB
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  • 刊物类别:Chemistry and Materials Science
  • 刊物主题:Chemistry
  • 出版者:Springer India
  • ISSN:0973-7103
Density functional studies are performed to understand the role of chelating bi-phosphine ligands [(Ph 2P(CH 2) m PPh 2); m = 1-] in modulating the regio-selectivity of benzoic acid addition to 1-hexyne, in presence of ruthenium(II) catalyst [(Ph 2P(CH 2)mPPh 2)Ru(methallyl) 2]. The Markovnikov addition to 1-hexyne is observed when catalyst 1 a [(Ph 2P(CH 2)PPh 2)Ru(methallyl) 2] is employed, whereas a reverse regio-selectivity is witnessed in presence of 1 d [(Ph 2P(CH 2)4PPh 2)Ru(methallyl) 2]. Anti-Markovnikov addition occurs via the neutral vinylidene intermediates (5 a / d ) formed after 1,2-hydrogen shift in hexyne coordinated ruthenium(II) complexes 3 a / d . The energy profile shows clear preference for Markovnikov addition by 15.0 kcal/mol ( \({\Delta } G_{\mathrm {L}}^{S})\) in case of catalyst system 1 a . In contrast, anti-Markovnikov pathway following neutral vinylidenes are more favourable by 9.1 kcal/mol ( \({\Delta } G_{\mathrm {L}}^{S})\) for catalyst system 1 d . The Z-enol ester formation is more predominant in the anti-Markovnikov pathway since the activation barrier for this step requires less energy (5.9 kcal/mol, \({\Delta } G_{\mathrm {L}}^{S})\) than the one furnishing the E-product. The calculated results are in good agreement with the reported experimental findings. Graphical Abstract Preliminary DFT studies are performed to explore the mechanistic pathway of the benzoic acid addition to 1-hexyne in presence of Ru(II) catalyst. Our calculations emphasized on the understanding of the regio-selectivity controlled by the chelating bi-phosphine ligand present in catalysts. Markovnikov product formation is the lower energy pathway in case of least spacer group (CH2) whereas it is anti-Markovnikov product for the highest spacer group, {(CH2)4} in bi-phosphine ligands.

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