S ?/sub> relative to some boundary triples \({\big(\mathbb{C},\,\Gamma_0^+,\,\Gamma_1^+\big)}\) and \({\big(\mathbb{C},\,\Gamma_0^-,\,\Gamma_1^-\big)}\). Sufficient conditions for a nonnegative partially fundamentally reducible operator A to be similar to a self-adjoint operator in a Hilbert space are given in terms of the Weyl functions m + and m ?/sub> of S + and S ?/sub> relative to the boundary triples \({\big(\mathbb{C},\,\Gamma_0^+,\,\Gamma_1^+\big)}\) and \({\big(\mathbb{C},\,\Gamma_0^-,\Gamma_1^-\big)}\). Moreover, it is shown that under some asymptotic assumptions on m + and m ?/sub> all positive self-adjoint extensions of the operator S are similar to self-adjoint operators in a Hilbert space." />
Partially Fundamentally Reducible Operators in Kre?n Spaces
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  • 作者:Branko ?urgus ; Vladimir Derkach
  • 关键词:Primary 47B50 ; Secondary 46C20 ; 47B25 ; Self ; adjoint extension ; symmetric operator ; Kre?n space ; fundamentally reducible operator ; coupling of operators ; boundary triple ; Weyl function ; similar to a self ; adjoint operator
  • 刊名:Integral Equations and Operator Theory
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:July 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:82
  • 期:4
  • 页码:469-518
  • 全文大小:984 KB
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  • 作者单位:Branko ?urgus (1)
    Vladimir Derkach (2) (3)

    1. Department of Mathematics, Western Washington University, 516 High Street, Bellingham, WA, 98226, USA
    2. Department of Mathematics, Donetsk National University, 600-Richchya Str 21, Vinnytsya, 21021, Ukraine
    3. Department of Mathematics, National Pedagogical University, Pirogova Str 9, Kiev, 01601, Ukraine
  • 刊物类别:Mathematics and Statistics
  • 刊物主题:Mathematics
  • 出版者:Birkh盲user Basel
  • ISSN:1420-8989
A self-adjoint operator A in a Kre?n space (\({\mathcal{K}, [\cdot , \cdot]}\)) is called partially fundamentally reducible if there exist a fundamental decomposition \({\mathcal{K} = \mathcal{K}_{+}[\dot{+}]\mathcal{K}_{-}}\) (which does not reduce A) and densely defined symmetric operators S + and S ?/sub> in the Hilbert spaces (\({\mathcal{K}_+, [\cdot , \cdot]}\)) and \({(\mathcal{K}_-, -[\cdot , \cdot])}\), respectively, such that each S + and S ?/sub> has defect numbers (1, 1) and the operator A is a self-adjoint extension of \({S = S_{+} \oplus (-S_-)}\) in the Kre?n space \({(\mathcal{K}, [\cdot , \cdot])}\). The operator A is interpreted as a coupling of operators S + and ?em class="EmphasisTypeItalic">S ?/sub> relative to some boundary triples \({\big(\mathbb{C},\,\Gamma_0^+,\,\Gamma_1^+\big)}\) and \({\big(\mathbb{C},\,\Gamma_0^-,\,\Gamma_1^-\big)}\). Sufficient conditions for a nonnegative partially fundamentally reducible operator A to be similar to a self-adjoint operator in a Hilbert space are given in terms of the Weyl functions m + and m ?/sub> of S + and S ?/sub> relative to the boundary triples \({\big(\mathbb{C},\,\Gamma_0^+,\,\Gamma_1^+\big)}\) and \({\big(\mathbb{C},\,\Gamma_0^-,\Gamma_1^-\big)}\). Moreover, it is shown that under some asymptotic assumptions on m + and m ?/sub> all positive self-adjoint extensions of the operator S are similar to self-adjoint operators in a Hilbert space.

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