The Lower Jurassic of the Eastern Caspian region and the Middle Caspian Basin: Lithology, facies, taphonomy
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  • 作者:A. I. Kiritchkova (1)
    N. V. Nosova (2)
  • 关键词:Eastern Caspian region ; Middle Caspian Basin ; Lower Jurassic ; lithology ; facies ; taphonomy ; plant remains ; paleogeography
  • 刊名:Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:September 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:22
  • 期:5
  • 页码:479-493
  • 全文大小:8,369 KB
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  • 作者单位:A. I. Kiritchkova (1)
    N. V. Nosova (2)

    1. All Russia Petroleum Research Exploration Institute, Liteinyi pr. 39, St. Petersburg, 191014, Russia
    2. Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Popov str. 2, St. Petersburg, 197376, Russia
  • ISSN:1555-6263
Lithofacies of the productive Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic deposits of the Eastern Caspian region, studied in wells on the Caspian coast and exposed in the outcrops of the Mountainous Mangyshlak, are described and analyzed. The similarity of the structure of the Mesozoic sedimentary beds of the Middle Caspian Basin and of those of the land adjacent to its eastern coast is confirmed. Comparative analysis of lithofacies allowed the reconstruction of the paleogeographic setting and depositional environments in the studied region during the Early Jurassic. A unique fossil plant occurrence is discovered in the upper part of the Lower Jurassic series (in the lower subformation of the Kokala Formation; Eastern Caspian region). Fossil plant taphonomy and the lithology of host rocks in the occurrence resulted from unusual paleogeographic settings that existed in the Middle Caspian Basin at the time of the Early-Middle Jurassic boundary.

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