Activation of AMP-activated protein kinase attenuates hepatocellular carcinoma cell adhesion stimulated by adipokine resistin
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  • 作者:Chen-Chieh Yang (38) (39)
    Shun-Fu Chang (40)
    Jian-Kang Chao (41) (42)
    Yi-Liang Lai (43)
    Wei-En Chang (38)
    Wen-Hsiu Hsu (43)
    Wu-Hsien Kuo (38) (43) (44)
  • 关键词:AMP ; activated protein kinase ; Hepatocellular carcinoma ; Intercellular adhesion molecule ; 1 ; Resistin ; Vascular cell adhesion molecule ; 1
  • 刊名:BMC Cancer
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:December 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:14
  • 期:1
  • 全文大小:213 KB
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    43. The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:
  • 作者单位:Chen-Chieh Yang (38) (39)
    Shun-Fu Chang (40)
    Jian-Kang Chao (41) (42)
    Yi-Liang Lai (43)
    Wei-En Chang (38)
    Wen-Hsiu Hsu (43)
    Wu-Hsien Kuo (38) (43) (44)

    38. Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Armed-Forces Hualien General Hospital, Hualien, 97144, Taiwan
    39. Mennonite Christian Hospital, Hualien, 97059, Taiwan
    40. Biophotonics & Molecular Imaging Research Center, National Yang Ming University, Taipei, 11221, Taiwan
    41. Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Yuli branch, Hualien, 98142, Taiwan
    42. Department of Health Administration, Tuz Chi College of Technology, Hualien, Taiwan
    43. Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Armed-Forces Taichung General Hospital, Taiping District, Taichung City, 41168, Taiwan
    44. School of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, 11490, Taiwan
  • ISSN:1471-2407
Background Resistin, adipocyte-secreting adipokine, may play critical role in modulating cancer pathogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of resistin on HCC adhesion to the endothelium, and the mechanism underlying these resistin effects. Methods Human SK-Hep1 cells were used to study the effect of resistin on intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) expressions as well as NF-κB activation, and hence cell adhesion to human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide 1-β-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR), an AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activator, was used to determine the regulatory role of AMPK on HCC adhesion to the endothelium in regard to the resistin effects. Results Treatment with resistin increased the adhesion of SK-Hep1 cells to HUVECs and concomitantly induced NF-κB activation, as well as ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expressions in SK-Hep1 cells. Using specific blocking antibodies and siRNAs, we found that resistin-induced SK-Hep1 cell adhesion to HUVECs was through NF-κB-regulated ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expressions. Moreover, treatment with AICAR demonstrated that AMPK activation in SK-Hep1 cells significantly attenuates the resistin effect on SK-Hep1 cell adhesion to HUVECs. Conclusions These results clarify the role of resistin in inducing HCC adhesion to the endothelium and demonstrate the inhibitory effect of AMPK activation under the resistin stimulation. Our findings provide a notion that resistin play an important role to promote HCC metastasis and implicate AMPK may be a therapeutic target to against HCC metastasis.

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