Higher integrability for nonlinear parabolic equations of class="a-plus-plus">p-Laplacian type
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In this paper we give a new alternative proof of the local higher integrability in Orlicz spaces of the gradient for weak solutions of quasilinear parabolic equations of p-Laplacian type$$\begin{array}{ll} u_t-\text{div} \left( \left | \nabla u\right|^{ p-2 } \nablau\right)=\text{div} \left(| \mathrm{ \bf f}|^{p-2} \mathrm{ \bf f}\right)\quad {\rm in}~\Omega\times (0,T] \end{array}$$for any p > 0. Moreover, we point out that our results are homogeneousregularity estimates in Orlicz spaces and improve the known results for such equations by using some new techniques. Actually, our results can be extended to the global estimates and cover a more general class of degenerate/singular parabolic problems of p-Laplacian type.KeywordsHigher integrabilityRegularityOrliczNonlinearGradientParabolicp-LaplacianMathematics Subject Classification35B4535K55References1.Acerbi E., Mingione G.: Gradient estimates for the p(x)-Laplacean system. J. Reine Angew. 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