Is the astronomical forcing a reliable and unique pacemaker for climate? A conceptual model study
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  • 作者:Bernard De Saedeleer (1)
    Michel Crucifix (1)
    Sebastian Wieczorek (2)
  • 关键词:Climate models ; Milankovitch ; Oscillator ; Generalised synchronisation ; Lyapunov exponent ; Multistability
  • 刊名:Climate Dynamics
  • 出版年:2013
  • 出版时间:2 - January 2013
  • 年:2013
  • 卷:40
  • 期:1
  • 页码:273-294
  • 全文大小:2193KB
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  • 作者单位:Bernard De Saedeleer (1)
    Michel Crucifix (1)
    Sebastian Wieczorek (2)

    1. Earth and Life Institute, Georges Lema卯tre Centre for Earth and Climate Research, Universit茅 catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    2. Mathematics Research Institute, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
  • ISSN:1432-0894
There is evidence that ice age cycles are paced by astronomical forcing, suggesting some kind of synchronisation phenomenon. Here, we identify the type of such synchronisation and explore systematically its uniqueness and robustness using a simple paleoclimate model akin to the van der Pol relaxation oscillator and dynamical system theory. As the insolation is quite a complex quasiperiodic signal involving different frequencies, the traditional concepts used to define synchronisation to periodic forcing are no longer applicable. Instead, we explore a different concept of generalised synchronisation in terms of (coexisting) synchronised solutions for the forced system, their basins of attraction and instabilities. We propose a clustering technique to compute the number of synchronised solutions, each of which corresponds to a different paleoclimate history. In this way, we uncover multistable synchronisation (reminiscent of phase- or frequency-locking to individual periodic components of astronomical forcing) at low forcing strength, and monostable or unique synchronisation at stronger forcing. In the multistable regime, different initial conditions may lead to different paleoclimate histories. To study their robustness, we analyse Lyapunov exponents that quantify the rate of convergence towards each synchronised solution (local stability), and basins of attraction that indicate critical levels of external perturbations (global stability). We find that even though synchronised solutions are stable on a long term, there exist short episodes of desynchronisation where nearby climate trajectories diverge temporarily (for about 50 kyr). As the attracting trajectory can sometimes lie close to the boundary of its basin of attraction, a small perturbation could quite easily make climate to jump between different histories, reducing the predictability. Our study brings new insight into paleoclimate dynamics and reveals a possibility for the climate system to wander throughout different climatic histories related to preferential synchronisation regimes on obliquity, precession or combinations of both, all over the history of the Pleistocene.

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