Is There a Human Right to Freedom of Religion?
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  • 作者:Paul Tiedemann
  • 关键词:Human rights ; Tolerance ; Religion ; Sacral ; Personhood
  • 刊名:Human Rights Review
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:June 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:16
  • 期:2
  • 页码:83-98
  • 全文大小:263 KB
  • 参考文献:Agamben G (2002) Homo Sacer. Die souver?ne Macht und das nackte Leben. Frankfurt, Suhrkamp
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  • 作者单位:Paul Tiedemann (1) (2)

    1. Rangenbergstrasse 46, 60388, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
    2. Department of Law, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany
  • 刊物主题:Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History; Philosophy of Law; Ethics; Political Philosophy; Political Science, general;
  • 出版者:Springer Netherlands
  • ISSN:1874-6306
A human right to freedom of religion is not equivalent to a right to tolerance. Human rights and tolerance-rules serve for different purposes and are based on different justifications. Tolerance-rules serve to protect a peaceful living together with strangers who share no common values. Human rights serve to protect every individual’s personhood. Religion can only be a matter of human rights, if and so far as it is a condition of development and maintenance of personhood. Discussion about a human right to freedom of religion makes sense only if we can identify a particular scope of protection which concerns only religion and if the freedom of religion is not embraced by wider-framed freedoms. The freedom of religious thoughts and the freedom of religious speech are embraced by the general human rights to freedom of thoughts and freedom of speech. Here, there is no need for a special human right to freedom of religion. The right not to be forced to act contrary to religiously founded moral rules is embraced by the general human right to freedom of conscience. And again, there is no need for a special human right. The target of religious practices in a narrower sense (rites) is to become flexible and porous and not to resist the threats of the sacral in order to avoid the destruction of personhood. Therefore, we have to recognize a human right to freedom of religious rites. It protects only the actions of accommodation to the overwhelming power of the sacral. It does not protect, however, any action with which it is intended to rule the world or to rule over others, to organize certain practical challenges, or to discover or to maintain scientific theories or technical means.

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