KAM for the nonlinear beam equation
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In this paper we prove a KAM theorem for small-amplitude solutions of the non linear beam equation on the d-dimensional torus$$u_{tt}+\Delta^2 u+m u + \partial_u G(x,u)=0, \quad t \in {\mathbb{R}}, x \in {\mathbb{T}^d}, \quad (*)$$where \({G(x,u)=u^4+ O(u^5)}\). Namely, we show that, for generic m, many of the small amplitude invariant finite dimensional tori of the linear equation \({(*)_{G=0}}\), written as the system$$u_t=-v,\quad v_t=\Delta^2 u+mu,$$persist as invariant tori of the nonlinear equation \({(*)}\), re-written similarly. The persisted tori are filled in with time-quasiperiodic solutions of \({(*)}\). If \({d\ge2}\), then not all the persisted tori are linearly stable, and we construct explicit examples of partially hyperbolic invariant tori. 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