Erratum to: Effect of NRG1, GDNF, EGF and NGF in the Migration of a Schwann Cell Precursor Line

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Erratum to: Neurochem Res (2010) 35:1643鈥?651 DOI 10.1007/s11064-010-0225-0

The authors would like to publish this erratum to add accuracy and better explanation to the original published article. Several changes for more accuracy are provided by the authors who also apologize that they did not see these inaccuracies earlier before publication.

General Corrections/Clarifications:

  1. The recombinant EGF-like domain of NRG1-伪 (not NRG1-尾) was used throughout the paper where NRG1 results are mentioned.

  2. Culture medium described as containing 10% FBS is better described as containing 8鈥?% FBS (with the exception mentioned below). The same medium also contained ~1.8聽mM l -glutamine rather than 2聽mM.

  3. The SpL201 cells used for experimentation were at times observed to have a very low level of bacterial contamination.

  4. 作者单位:Martha Cornejo (1)
    Deborah Nambi (1)
    Christopher Walheim (1)
    Matthew Somerville (1)
    Jacquae Walker (1)
    Lino Kim (1)
    Lauren Ollison (1)
    Graciel Diamante (1)
    Saurabh Vyawahare (2)
    Maria Elena de Bellard (1)

    1. Department of Biology, California State University Northridge, MC 8303.18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA, 91330, USA
    2. Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, 139-74, Pasadena, CA, 91125, USA
  5. ISSN:1573-6903