Scaffolds for Tendon and Ligament Repair and Regeneration
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  • 作者:Anthony Ratcliffe (1)
    David L. Butler (2)
    Nathaniel A. Dyment (3)
    Paul J. Cagle Jr. (4)
    Christopher S. Proctor (5)
    Seena S. Ratcliffe (1)
    Evan L. Flatow (4)

    1. Synthasome
    ; Inc. ; 3030 Bunker Hill Street ; Suite 308 ; San Diego ; CA ; 92109 ; USA
    2. Tissue Engineering and Biomechanics Laboratories
    ; Biomedical Engineering Program ; College of Engineering and Applied Sciences ; University of Cincinnati ; Cincinnati ; OH ; USA
    3. Department of Reconstructive Sciences
    ; School of Dental Medicine ; University of Connecticut Health Center ; Farmington ; CT ; USA
    4. Leni and Peter W. May Department of Orthopaedics
    ; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai ; New York ; NY ; USA
    5. Alta Orthopaedics
    ; Santa Barbara ; CA ; USA
  • 关键词:Tendon ; Ligament ; Rotator cuff ; ACL repair ; Healing ; Regeneration ; Scaffold ; Reinforcement ; Augmentation ; Clinical repair of tendon ; Tensile properties ; Tensile stiffness ; Tensile strength
  • 刊名:Annals of Biomedical Engineering
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:March 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:43
  • 期:3
  • 页码:819-831
  • 全文大小:1,400 KB
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  • 刊物类别:Biomedical and Life Sciences
  • 刊物主题:Biomedicine
    Biomedical Engineering
    Biophysics and Biomedical Physics
  • 出版者:Springer Netherlands
  • ISSN:1573-9686
Enhanced tendon and ligament repair would have a major impact on orthopedic surgery outcomes, resulting in reduced repair failures and repeat surgeries, more rapid return to function, and reduced health care costs. Scaffolds have been used for mechanical and biologic reinforcement of repair and regeneration with mixed results. This review summarizes efforts made using biologic and synthetic scaffolds using rotator cuff and ACL as examples of clinical applications, discusses recent advances that have shown promising clinical outcomes, and provides insight into future therapy.

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