Transport properties of ephedrine hydrochloride through poly(vinyl alcohol) matrices—a simple method for enantiomeric differentiation
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  • 作者:Artur J. M. Valente (1)
    Cesar M. C. Filho (1)
    Adley Rubira (2)
    Edvani C. Muniz (2)
    Hugh D. Burrows (1)
  • 关键词:Ephedrine ; Poly(vinyl alcohol) ; Enantiodifferentiation ; Transport properties ; Cryogel membranes
  • 刊名:Colloid & Polymer Science
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:July 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:292
  • 期:7
  • 页码:1665-1673
  • 全文大小:324 KB
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  • 作者单位:Artur J. M. Valente (1)
    Cesar M. C. Filho (1)
    Adley Rubira (2)
    Edvani C. Muniz (2)
    Hugh D. Burrows (1)

    1. Department of Chemistry, University of Coimbra, 3004-535, Coimbra, Portugal
    2. Grupo de Materiais Poliméricos e Compósitos, GMPC - Departamento de Química, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, UEM, 87020-900, Maringá, Paraná, Brazil
  • ISSN:1435-1536
Equilibrium and transport properties have been investigated of ephedrines, a class of sympathomimetic amines, through cryogel membranes of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA). The effect of the PVA (10 to 18?% (w/v)) on the release properties of (1S,2R)-(+)-ephedrine hydrochloride has been discussed on the basis of partition–diffusion and power-law models. The effect of PVA concentration on the swelling degree of PVA–ephedrine matrices have been measured, allowing the estimation of the volume fraction of polymer in the gel. Ephedrine release rate constants, computed by using a first-order kinetics approach, have been modeled by using free-volume and hydrodynamic-scaling models. Differences in the release properties of the ephedrine isomers, (1S,2R)-(+)- and (1R,2S)-(?-ephedrine as their hydrochlorides, have also been studied at different temperatures. The release kinetic constants and the corresponding activation energies show a marked discrimination between the two ephedrine isomers. This suggests that PVA cryogel membranes possess high potential for enantiomeric differentiation.

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