The GPI-anchored protein Ecm33 is vital for conidiation, cell wall integrity, and multi-stress tolerance of two filamentous entomopathogens but not for virulence
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  • 作者:Ying Chen (1)
    Jing Zhu (1)
    Sheng-Hua Ying (1)
    Ming-Guang Feng (1)
  • 关键词:Beauveria bassiana ; Metarhizium robertsii ; GPI ; anchored cell wall proteins ; Functional comparison ; Asexual development ; Multi ; stress responses
  • 刊名:Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:June 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:98
  • 期:12
  • 页码:5517-5529
  • 全文大小:
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  • 作者单位:Ying Chen (1)
    Jing Zhu (1)
    Sheng-Hua Ying (1)
    Ming-Guang Feng (1)

    1. Institute of Microbiology, College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310058, People’s Republic of China
  • ISSN:1432-0614
Ecm33 is one of several glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins. This protein is known to be involved in fungal cell wall integrity, but its contribution to multi-stress tolerance is largely unknown. Here we characterized the functions of two Ecm33 orthologues, i.e., Bbecm33 in Beauveria bassiana and Mrecm33 in Metarhizium robertsii. Bbecm33 and Mrecm33 were both confirmed as GPI-anchored cell wall proteins in immunogold localization. Single-gene disruptions of Bbecm33 and Mrecm33 caused slight growth defects, but conidial yield decreased much more in ΔBbecm33 (76?%) than in ΔMrecm33 (42?%), accompanied with significant reductions of intracellular mannitol and trehalose contents in both mutants and weakened cell walls in ΔBbecm33 only. Consequently, ΔBbecm33 was far more sensitive to the cell wall-perturbating agents Congo red and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) than ΔMrecm33, which showed null response to SDS. Both deletion mutants became significantly more sensitive to two oxidants (menadione and H2O2), two fungicides (carbendazim and ethirimol), osmotic salt NaCl, and Ca2+ during growth despite some degrees of differences in their sensitivities to the chemical stressors. Strikingly, conidial UV-B resistance decreased by 55?% in ΔBbecm33 but was unaffected in ΔMrecm33, unlike a similar decrease (25-8?%) of conidial thermotolerance in both. All the changes were restored to wild-type levels by gene complementation through ectopic gene integration in each fungus. However, neither ΔBbecm33 nor ΔMrecm33 showed a significant change in virulence to a susceptible insect host. Our results indicate that Bbecm33 and Mrecm33 contribute differentially to the conidiation and multi-stress tolerance of B. bassiana and M. robertsii.

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