CO2 and inorganic nutrient enrichment affect the performance of a calcifying green alga and its noncalcifying epiphyte
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  • 作者:Laurie C. Hofmann (1)
    Kai Bischof (1)
    Cecilia Baggini (2)
    Andrew Johnson (3)
    Ketil Koop-Jakobsen (4) (5)
    Mirta Teichberg (6)

    1. Marine Botany
    ; Bremen Marine Ecology Centre for Research and Education ; University of Bremen ; Leobener Str. NW2 ; 28359 ; Bremen ; Germany
    2. Marine Biology and Ecology Research Center
    ; Plymouth University ; Plymouth ; Devon ; PL4 8AA ; UK
    3. Department of Biological Sciences
    ; Virginia Institute of Marine Science ; College of William and Mary ; 1375 Greate Road ; Gloucester Point ; VA ; 23062 ; USA
    4. HGF-MPG Group for Deep-Sea Ecology and Technology
    ; Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology ; Celsiusstra脽e 1 ; 28359 ; Bremen ; Germany
    5. Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
    ; Leobener Str. ; 28359 ; Bremen ; Germany
    6. Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
    ; Fahrenheitstr. 6 ; 28359 ; Bremen ; Germany
  • 关键词:Halimeda opuntia ; Dictyota ; Calcification ; Ocean acidification ; Eutrophication
  • 刊名:Oecologia
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:April 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:177
  • 期:4
  • 页码:1157-1169
  • 全文大小:892 KB
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  • 刊物类别:Biomedical and Life Sciences
  • 刊物主题:Life Sciences
    Plant Sciences
  • 出版者:Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
  • ISSN:1432-1939
Ocean acidification studies in the past decade have greatly improved our knowledge of how calcifying organisms respond to increased surface ocean CO2 levels. It has become evident that, for many organisms, nutrient availability is an important factor that influences their physiological responses and competitive interactions with other species. Therefore, we tested how simulated ocean acidification and eutrophication (nitrate and phosphate enrichment) interact to affect the physiology and ecology of a calcifying chlorophyte macroalga (Halimeda opuntia (L.) J.V. Lamouroux) and its common noncalcifying epiphyte (Dictyota sp.) in a 4-week fully crossed multifactorial experiment. Inorganic nutrient enrichment (+NP) had a strong influence on all responses measured with the exception of net calcification. Elevated CO2 alone significantly decreased electron transport rates of the photosynthetic apparatus and resulted in phosphorus limitation in both species, but had no effect on oxygen production or respiration. The combination of CO2 and +NP significantly increased electron transport rates in both species. While +NP alone stimulated H. opuntia growth rates, Dictyota growth was significantly stimulated by nutrient enrichment only at elevated CO2, which led to the highest biomass ratios of Dictyota to Halimeda. Our results suggest that inorganic nutrient enrichment alone stimulates several aspects of H. opuntia physiology, but nutrient enrichment at a CO2 concentration predicted for the end of the century benefits Dictyota sp. and hinders its calcifying basibiont H. opuntia.

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