Effect of current-season application of calciticlime on soil pH, yield and cadmium concentration inpotato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers
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Cadmium (Cd) has accumulated in many agriculturalsoils in Australia due to fertilization withphosphatic fertilizers that contained Cd as animpurity. Nine field and seven glasshouse experimentsusing light-textured soils were conducted toinvestigate the effect of current-season applicationsof calcitic lime on i) soil pH\rm_{w}, ii) tuber yield,and iii) Cd accumulation in tubers of a range ofprocessing (Russet Burbank, Atlantic, Shepody andKennebec) and fresh market (Crystal, Pontiac andDesiree) potato cultivars.

Liming increased soil pH values by up to 2 units.Yields of potato tubers were generally unaffected byliming. Under glasshouse conditions, significantreductions in tuber Cd concentrations were found afterliming of soils. In contrast, in the field,application of calcitic lime at rates up to 20 tha^{-1} had either no effect or significantly (p<0.05) increased tuber Cd concentrations.Concentrations of Cd in tubers were closely correlated(R^2

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