Woody plant diversity, structure and regeneration in the Ambo State Forest, South Gondar Zone, Northwest Ethiopia
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For this study in the Ambo State Forest on woody plant diversity, structure and regeneration, 70 quadrats, each 25 m by 25 m, were selected using a systematic random sampling technique and intervals of 100 m along a transect line. For assessing seedlings and saplings, two 2 × 10 m sub quadrats were set upon opposite sides of each main quadrat. Data on species diversity, abundance, structure, basal area, density, frequency and regeneration status were collected and analyzed using standard procedures and programs. Of 58 woody plant species identified, 69 % were trees, 16 % were shrubs, 12 % were tree/shrubs and 4 % were climbers. Fabaceae was the most species-rich family comprising 17 species. The Shannon–Weiner diversity index was 2.73, and evenness was 0.67. The population structure in the cumulative diameter class frequency distribution revealed an interrupted and inverted J-shape with a very high decrease in higher diameter class. Acacia lahai (49 %) was the most important woody species with the highest importance value index. To maintain balanced structure, enhanced regeneration and protecting the forest from selective cutting are recommended.

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