Franchise- vs. Neugründung: Analyse der Einflüsse auf Gründungsart und Gründungserfolg
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  • 作者:Dr. Simone Chlosta (1)
    Dipl.-Psych. Dorothea Kissel (2)
  • 关键词:Gründer ; Franchise ; Big Five ; Erfolg ; Moderation ; Entrepreneur ; Franchise ; Big Five ; Success ; Interaction ; C12 ; L26 ; M13
  • 刊名:Journal of Business Economics
  • 出版年:2011
  • 出版时间:September 2011
  • 年:2011
  • 卷:81
  • 期:9
  • 页码:945-975
  • 全文大小:457KB
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  • 作者单位:Dr. Simone Chlosta (1)
    Dipl.-Psych. Dorothea Kissel (2)

    1. Department of Strategy, Organization und Leadership, EBS Universit?t für Wirtschaft und Recht i. Gr., EBS Business School, Rheingaustra?e 1, 65375, Oestrich-Winkel, Deutschland
    2. EBS Universit?t für Wirtschaft und Recht i. Gr., EBS Business School, Markt 10, 65375, Oestrich-Winkel, Deutschland
The survey at hand uses a sophisticated classification between derivative and original founders to demonstrate that the group of entrepreneurs consists of several distinct sub-groups or types. With the help of personality traits (Big Five) we examine the different entrepreneurial types. We also investigate how the interaction of personality and entrepreneurial type influences success. The analyses were conducted with a sample of franchise founders (derivative founders) and new business founders (original founders) in Germany. The results in relation to the entrepreneurial type support the distinction between groups as differences were found in personality traits. With respect to the prediction of success we identify interaction effects between personality and entrepreneurial type.

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