Cost-efficient contingent claims with market frictions
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  • 作者:Mario Ghossoub
  • 关键词:Payoff distributional pricing ; Cost ; efficiency ; contingent claims ; Nonlinear pricing ; Bid ; ask spread ; Ambiguity ; Knightian uncertainty ; Non ; additive probability ; Choquet integral ; 91G10 ; 91G20 ; 91B42 ; 28A12 ; D89 ; G11
  • 刊名:Mathematics and Financial Economics
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:January 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:10
  • 期:1
  • 页码:87-111
  • 全文大小:584 KB
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  • 作者单位:Mario Ghossoub (1)

    1. Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London, SW7 2AZ, UK
  • 刊物类别:Mathematics and Statistics
  • 刊物主题:Mathematics
    Quantitative Finance
    Finance and Banking
    Financial Economics
    Game Theory and Mathematical Methods
    Applications of Mathematics
    Statistics for Business, Economics, Mathematical Finance and Insurance
  • 出版者:Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
  • ISSN:1862-9660
In complete frictionless securities markets under uncertainty, it is well-known that in the absence of arbitrage opportunities, there exists a unique linear positive pricing rule, which induces a state-price density (e.g., Harrison and Kreps in J Econ Theory 20(3):381–408, 1979). Dybvig (J Bus 61(3):369–393, 1988; Rev Financ Stud 1(1):67–88, 1988) showed that the cheapest way to acquire a certain distribution of a consumption bundle (or security) is when this bundle is anti-comonotonic with the state-price density, i.e., arranged in reverse order of the state-price density. In this paper, we look at extending Dybvig’s ideas to complete markets with imperfections represented by a nonlinear pricing rule (e.g., due to bid-ask spreads). We consider an investor in a securities market where the pricing rule is “law-invariant” with respect to a capacity (e.g., Choquet pricing as in Araujo et al. in Econ Theory 49(1):1–35, 2011; Chateauneuf et al. in Math Financ 6(3):323–330, 1996; Chateauneuf and Cornet in Submodular financial markets with frictions, 2015; Cerreia-Vioglio et al. in J Econ Theory 157:730–762, 2015). The investor holds a security with a random payoff X and his problem is that of buying the cheapest contingent claim Y on X, subject to some constraints on the performance of the contingent claim and on its level of risk exposure. The cheapest such claim is called cost-efficient. If the capacity satisfies standard continuity and a property called strong diffuseness introduced in Ghossoub (Math Op Res 40(2):429–445, 2015), we show the existence and monotonicity of cost-efficient claims, in the sense that a cost-efficient claim is anti-comonotonic with the underlying security’s payoff X. Strong diffuseness is satisfied by a large collection of capacities, including all distortions of diffuse probability measures. As an illustration, we consider the case of a Choquet pricing functional with respect to a capacity and the case of a Choquet pricing functional with respect to a distorted probability measure. Finally, we consider a simple example in which we derive an explicit analytical form for a cost-efficient claim. Keywords Payoff distributional pricing Cost-efficiency contingent claims Nonlinear pricing Bid-ask spread Ambiguity Knightian uncertainty Non-additive probability Choquet integral

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